Tiingo Inc - Notice history

Tiingo API


Tiingo API Website - Operational

End-of-Day Prices Endpoint - Operational

IEX Real-time Equity Endpoint - Operational

News Feed Endpoint - Operational

Equity Fundamentals Endpoint - Operational

Mutual Fund & ETF Fee Endpoint - Operational

Crypto Prices Endpoint - Operational

Crypto Low-Latency Last Price Benchmark Endpoint - Operational

Crypto Low Latency Top-of-Book Benchmark Endpoint - Operational

FX Prices Endpoint - Operational

Tiingo App - Operational

Notice history

Jun 2024

IEX Exchange Issues
  • Resolved

  • Monitoring

    The IEX Exchange is having quoting issues on several symbols between the letters A and D. This is an exchange-wide issue and unrelated to Tiingo. Please see details here: https://iextrading.com/status/#/

Apr 2024

No notices reported this month

Apr 2024 to Jun 2024
